Which, as Marini noted, doesn't really matter in this instance at all.Ī telling part of the video came about when the elderly man said this. He went on to clarify in the Facebook post that he wasn't gay. When my friend and I got off at our stop, he got off as well, but we managed to evade him and leave the station without him following us. He kept going on and on, and when a woman tried to take his picture, he attempted to kick her phone out of her hand. He touched me, and I told him not to, and I briefly lost my temper-after that he slapped me on the side of the head. He threatened her, and some other people on the train intervened (several were filming). This went on for several minutes and I tried to politely diffuse the situation, but then he began to yell at my friend when she intervened I wouldn't let this stand, and started to become angry myself. He said, 'I know you're gay, so let's f*ck.' I was with a friend and he approached me-drunk-and said he was gay, and that he wanted to f*ck me. This is his recollection of the incident. " data-type="undefined" target="_blank">According to the uploader, the man had approached him, seemingly inebriated.